Goodbye Javascript
Sad but true, I had to let Javascript go. It wasn't a difficult decision to make honestly since working with it was less and less during my last projects. Indeed, Node.js was mostly really cool to work with but that wasn't for me a strong reason to keep coding with it. New language to learn, Python.
I chose Python to be my next programming language because devs said it was easy to learn and I was confident that transitioning into it wouldn't be a problem. My plan was to transfer my knowledge from Express.js to Django with an MDN tutorial and from Javascript to Python with the official Python language tutorial. Overall, the Python language tutorial was pretty easy to follow and the MDN tutorial project was very easy to understand so when I was done with them I felt like building a new project.
Most of my previous projects involved creating a single app. For this one however, I wanted to work on two interconnected apps. App one would store a food ingredient, a food area or a food category in a user profile when he/she answered correctly a general knowledge question with an extra activity reward on answering a fifth question. App two on the other hand, let users plan their stored food and activities in a basic timetable. Name for the project? Food for thought, the app that gives you not only healthy habits for your body but also some workout for your brain.
Developing the app was an epic battle where Django and Python were two beasts to tame. I was the one to blame because I set the bar too high with a microservices architecture and yes, I wasn't experienced enough to know what changing my programming language and my framework would bring along. Anyways, I could finish the project but I couldn't style it so my end result was a backend project that delivers HTML.
Oh last thing, I relied on a free API to fetch activities which at the time of writing is out of service so my advice is never trust free resources blindly. The app still is in a functioning state but fetching an activity obviously throws an error.