HTML CSS foundations

Constraints, constraints I love constraints. There are those who feel them like hindering rocks in their bags but I feel them like healthy weight lifting for my mind. There are others who see them like confining tall walls around them, that's a shame because actually they define where to play a fun game. Constraints can be that strict but loving teacher at high school or uni we might not get along well at the beginning but we thanked quietly on our graduation day. They make us better.

The end of my React synth project pointed out my flaws in HTML and CSS. They came from bad habits I'd got from previous projects as well as from my lazyness to learn good web design practices. The worst one was not taking time to read the documentation to choose proper HTML tags for writing an accessible web site. To solve that I set constraint one for this new project, instead of populating my HTML with <div> containers, I'd expand my HTML vocabulary to be able to have a more ideomatic tag skeleton. Constraint two, I would steer away from CSS classes and ids to make room for selectors. They would help me grab, group and take control on HTML tags styling more effectively. Constraint number three, one HTML file and one CSS file only. Splitting code into files is reasonable when your code grows a lot but restricting yourself to use very few files for your project makes you think each line of code carefully as a side effect. Last constraint, no javascript to handle user interactions, HTML should suffice.

What was the project about by the way? Oh I forgot to mention that I didn't have a website to show my projects at that time. So I thought that making one with my HTML and CSS self-imposed boundaries would be a great idea. It should be a single page website with a navigation system on the top that would help with the scrolling. The web page ui would pay rendition to the old days when we had to install Windows from floppy disks through DOS commands. Its colour pallette would be a simplified version of my previous project that would add life to buttons users would use to display contents about what I'd done and knew about programming. It worked well, I smiled at the end.



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